Like Nature, Things Get Done
It is like rowing a boat downstream and cutting wood with the grain. Wu wei helps you achieve more by doing less.
But how to make it work? Join Wu Wei Members. Receive bite-size lessons every week. Take a step at a time to make whatever you do effortless and effective.
Wu Wei Members
Hi, Tekson Teo here. I help people learn the practice of wu wei.
There is always a natural way to get things done. Nature is powerful, and it makes what you do powerful. The more natural you are, the easier it is to achieve results. This is what WU WEI. It helps you achieve more by doing less.
Join Wu Wei Members. Stay natural in all you do and achieve more without striving.
Why is wu wei powerful?
Wu wei is powerful, because it gets you to go with the flow of nature. When you’re part of the flow, you’re not alone in getting things done. Not only does nature back you up, but it also works alongside you for results.
Known as as not doing and several other names, wu wei is an approach to life and work that taps into the timeless wisdom of Tao.
Many see the practice as an antidote to the stress and burnout inflicted on many people today. But it’s more than a relaxation exercise. It goes deep into the underlying lying principle to help us make things tick.
Profound wisdom
It’s the key takeaway of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, an ancient book of timeless wisdom. American historian Will Durant, best known for co-authoring the 11-volume The Story of Civilization, once said, “Perhaps we shall burn every book but one behind us, and find a summary of wisdom in the Tao-Te-Ching”. It’s undoubtedly one of the wisest books in the world.
Power of nature
You don’t blindly work hard with the profound philosophy as a guide. You feel the rhythm and energy flow in things to find the best way forward. It is natural and effortless, like rowing a boat downstream and cutting wood with the grain. You’re natural and effective. “Do nothing, and leave nothing undone,” says Lao Tzu.
Peak performance
It helps you scale new heights. You’re effortless, and that’s critical when you’re at your peak. Even a martial-art master’s punch is deadly; the delivery is smooth and easy, or the energy will not flow. Being effortless brings out the best in you.
Cultivating Calmness & Ease
With calm and ease, you can go deeper into everything you do in life, from cooking a delicious meal and leading a team to finding clarity in your life purpose. Having been learning the philosophy and practicing wu wei for decades and benefited from it tremendously, I feel compelled to share.
It has resulted in the 5-step Learning Cycle I use in the Wu Wei Members program. It takes small steps in its weekly lessons to naturally nurture the practice and make it a way of life.
The 5-Step Learning Cycle

Learn the flow
Flow is fundamental to wu wei, but it often eludes us when you need it most. With wu wei, it is more consistent. Find out where the weak links are, and you can create conditions for flow to arise.
Feel the rhythm
There is rhythm in everything you do. Knowing it and you engage better with the flow. Like nature, you’re not in a hurry, but things get done.
Position it right
Positioning is vital to wu wei and goes beyond the management of physical space. You leverage platforms, tools, and systems to get things done.
Nurture quiet confidence
Your focus is firm yet soft, supported by your quiet confidence that relies not on external approvals but your authentic self. You can always find the power from somewhere deep in you.
Go with the flow
When the flow is ready, you go with it. There is no hesitation, over-thinking, or what-if. You turn the power of nature to your advantage.
Achieve greatness by thinking not of greatness
Wu wei is an art that optimizes energy by balancing effort and ease. If you can make it a way of life, no matter how chaotic or messy a situation is, its calmness puts you in a better position to cope.
Letting go of your entrenched behavior can be far more complicated than learning something new. But the results are astonishing. You let go of things that impede the flow of nature and stay calm and easy in the face of whatever challenges.
I bear the peculiarity in mind with developing the program.
Easy to digest weekly lessons
To help you take a step at a time, you’ll receive bite-size weekly lessons that are easy to digest, portioned for practice during the week, and create tangible results. The lessons don’t overwhelm but are rich enough to build momentum.
No need to set aside time for implementation
You can easily apply what you’ve learned to things you do. Use it to organize your work, run a project, learn a new skill or improve your relationships. There’s no need to set aside time for the program. Your life is where you put it to work.
Wu wei is a state of being. When you’re calm and relaxed in one aspect of life, you see its impact on others. When overcoming overwhelm, you also improve your relationships and make yourself a more effective leader.
“Grandfather Pricing”
Join the Wu Wei Members now and enjoy the introductory “grandfather pricing” so long as you continue with the program. It remains the same even when we increase the pricing.