By letting it go it all gets done
Wu Wei Comes Alive
Tap into the flow of nature to get things done effortlessly. You are calm and relaxed, yet you achieve more with better results.
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To get the most from what you do,
Don’t Work Hard
In everything we do, there is a natural thrust of flow. Leverage the flow, and you get more done effortlessly. Find out how you can do it by following the simple steps outlined in Wu Wei Comes Alive.

Hi, I’m Tekson Teo,
In everything we do, there is a natural thrust of flow. You feel it in the way you run, the way you speak, or the way you cook dinner. The more you can go with the flow; the better results will come to you.
As far as possible, don’t impede the flow, or you’ll compromise the results by preventing nature from doing its best. Rather than intervening and imposing your will, find out what’s occurring in the situation and flow with it.
In this way, you can ride the waves of nature to get things done. Nature is powerful, and it makes what you do powerful. You are easy and calm yet fully engaged; things happen as if with little effort on your part.
The best performers, be they in sports, the arts, or business, attest to it.
The more natural they are, the better is their performance.
When they’re too eager to win and become nervous, their performance goes downhill. In everything you do, find the sweet spot for exerting effort.
This is what I talk about in Wu Wei Comes Alive.
To be natural, however, is not easy. I went through years of struggle without any breakthrough.
I was aware of the wonder of wu wei. Who doesn’t want to let go and relax to achieve better results? But it’s easier said than done. I knew I had to stay calm in the face of challenges, but I couldn’t help but easily feel upset when things didn’t happen the way I wanted. I continued to bury myself deep in work.
Fortunately, I finally connected the dots.
A breakthrough took place only when I reunited with my Tai Chi Master.
I was amazed to see how he optimizes every bit of energy under his disposal, and can easily toss off an opponent half his age and twice his size. It was all about going with the trajectory of flow to multiply the thrust and prevail.
It’s wu wei in action. When I saw how my master optimize the little energy that the is in control of, I knew I had found the answers I wanted.
THE PRACTICE NOW MAKES EVEN MORE SENSE when I related it to the thousands of people I had worked with. By applying the same principle to things you do, wu wei is no longer just a concept to me. The confounding paradoxes now work like charms, freeing me from the chains of the old ways.
Not only do you make every bit of energy count, but you also multiply it with leverage. You make a little bit of energy to become a lot.
It’s how the old master can have the strength to throw a young opponent off the right. If you know how tai chi master uses his energy, you know how you can maximize yours and exert a little effort to achieve a lot.
You accomplish more by letting it go.
It led me to develop the four-step approach and the writing of Wu Wei Come Alive. Hope you’ll like it.
Wu Wei Comes Alive
What People are Saying
Although elusive, the book makes the powerful concept of Wu Wei comes alive and applicable in the daily context to enrich your life.